5 Ways To Enhance Your Day

Have you ever thought "I feel like I'm traveling in circles"? That's because you probably are. We all can get pretty burned out from our daily routines.

  • Wake up
  • Get the kids off to school
  • Go to work
  • Eat lunch at my desk
  • Get off
  • Pick the kids up
  • Prepare dinner

Blah, blah, blah... the list goes on about our daily responsibilities. Sometimes you just feel like quitting. I know I do. Well, I find that breaking up the monotony by doing something I enjoy or that is good for me helps. That's easier said than done, right? That's why we have to make taking care of ourselves A PART OF OUR DAY! Just as you wake up each morning and go to work, often times not even enjoying what you do, you show up anyway. We do things that we don't want to do each day to conform to society and survive.

What would be the end result if you thought, "Ya know, I don't feel like going to work today"... and didn't show up? No call, email, text... nothing! Most likely you wouldn't have a job to report back to the next day. My point is that even though you don't want to go to work sometimes you still show up because you have to take care of yourself and your family financially. Ever thought about using that motivation in your personal life? There's days you may not feel like being active, eating healthy, getting adequate sleep, staying hydrated, etc., but in order to live a healthy lifestyle these things must be a part of your routine. What's the solution? MAKE HEALTHY HABITS A PART OF YOUR DAY! Here are:


1. Stretch It Out

Starting your morning off right can change your day. Set your alarm a few minutes early to take some time for yourself and stretch. This will help to loosen that stiffness and soreness we experience when first awakening. This is also extremely helpful throughout the day and when you get home. 

Fit Tip: If you sit ask a desk for the majority of the day start getting up every 15 minutes to stretch and move around. That could be a quick walk to the restroom or a full blown stretch sesh in the middle of your cubical/office. Invite your co-workers to join in and make it a fun routine you incorporate into your work day. This also fits great with getting your family involved.

Get limber!

Get limber!

2. Stay Hydrated

What's your first drink of choice (the non-alcoholic kind y'all, lol)? I know we're all about "Treat ya' Self" at Footprints, but every day can't be filled with cocktails. If you said anything other than water, think again. Our bodies are made up of 70% water. Just as we water your plants to stay alive and healthy we must do the same for our bodies. Ditch that soft drink and grab some good 'ole H2O. My favorite is Evamor and it's local so I feel great supporting other NOLA businesses. 

Bonus: The more hydrated you are the younger you appear. As we age we lose collagen in our skin and water is a great way to fill in those wrinkles we all hate!

Drink up!

Drink up!

3. Get To Bed Early

#TheStruggleIsReal with this one for me, but I've been getting better with it lately. Being sleep deprived only sets us up for failure. Running on four hours of sleep with kids and a full time job can make you feel like you're going insane.

Try setting an alarm to remind you it's time to get in bed. More more we create a healthy sleeping pattern the better we'll feel and react to life experiences. I've recently starting using a website called Sleepy Time and it's awesome. It calculates your sleep cycle to tell you the best time to fall asleep in order for you to wake up at your desired time. Try it out and let me know what you think. 

Who says tiny people are the only ones that get to sleep!

Who says tiny people are the only ones that get to sleep!

4. Listen To Music

Music is one of the universal languages of the world and it's easy to understand why. You can go to another country that speaks a different language and still be able to connect with them through an awesome song. Create a playlist that inspires you to move, work, and be creative. 

Hate downloading songs? Get a Pandora or Spotify account to create the perfect playlist that you can stream from any device that has Internet connection.

Whatcha listening to girl?

Whatcha listening to girl?

5. Do Something Creative

What's your interest? Did you have a favorite hobby as a child? As we grow older it's easy to abandon our passions to replace them with real life responsibilities and boring meetings. Pick up the crayons and see what happens. Try remembering that your favorite song you learned from years of taking piano lessons, choreograph a dance, etc. Do something creative that makes you happy! I promise it's one of the best feelings you'll ever have. 

Best part, now you can have a glass of wine because you're of age!

Put that pen to paper!

Put that pen to paper!

Try these simple techniques to help enhance your day and life! You have the same 24 hours as Beyoncé... how are you going to spend them?