Stay In Touch
Family is the cornerstone of American society. What would we do without family? I know I would not be on the journey I am on without the support and love from mine.
Moms, dads, cousins, grandparents, best friends, pets… these are all important aspects of our lives that have shaped us into the people that we are.
In our globalized world, it is easy to forget to check up on your best friend from college or your grandparents who dedicated their lives to pave the way for you.
Here are some tips to staying in touch with those important people in your lives:
1. Make a schedule: If you work away from home and often find yourself forgetting about those left behind, schedule days and times that work and reserve 30 minutes to an hour a few days a week to catch up with friends or letting your mom vent about how annoying your dad is. Facebook will only get you so far in life. Making the extra effort shows people you care and they WILL REMEMBER.
Write it down girl!
2. Visit Often: We all know the saying “There’s no place like home.” Especially being from such a unique city like New Orleans, it is hard to stay away too long. If you live far away, plan to come home at least twice a year. The holidays are a great time to visit home. Also, random times during the year make the moment special as well.
We are family!
3. VideoChat: One of the most amazing things about modern technology is that we have the opportunity to see each other, even from opposite sides of the world. You can use this tool to show off your new apartment, tuck your kid in at night when you’re on a business trip, or to just enjoy the company of your favorite person when you’re feeling lonely. Stay In Touch!