Finding Cloud 9


Have you ever been so relaxed you felt as though you were floating on a cloud? Yeah…. I
haven’t either! Most days it feels impossible to truly relax. Constant thoughts on all the
responsibilities of the next few days never leave us alone. Stress and anxiety has become more
popular among many young adults of this generation. The pressure for perfection is high and
relaxing is the last thought that cross most minds.

Yoga and breathing techniques are awesome in centering the mind and body but they are not
effective for everyone. If you struggle with rambling thoughts that circle your mind, try
meditating. There are plenty of free meditation videos online where a speaker will talk through
that rambling head and center your thoughts. Most videos last anywhere between five to ten
minutes. That’s the same amount of time you would use to run a hot bath and pour a glass of
wine after a long and draining day.

Meditation has many benefits such as: reducing stress and anxiety, enhancing productivity and
betters sleep patterns. So, before your stress levels rise and you begin to feel anxious, put in your
headphones and let your meditation coach take you on cloud 9.