Seeking Wellness Knowledge


The power of education is not merely here to inform us of certain thoughts and events, but it is a
tool that can be used to better ourselves and surroundings. The human eye is incompetent
without the help of the brain and the knowledge that comes along with it. As we expand our
education, our ideas and perceptions deepen as well.

Spider-man’s commitment to knowledge goes deep

Spider-man’s commitment to knowledge goes deep

For instance, as young children we believed Christopher Columbus to be this immense man
because he founded the Americas. As time goes on and our knowledge of history broadens, we
know that he is a man who enslaved and killed many Natives over this very land. These new
understandings cause our mature mind to prevail over our child-like mind. We then evolve with
new perceptions and morals that causes us to grow individually and together with our

Education adds a little more confidence behind every action done and word spoken. And who
doesn’t want to be confident?! Confidence is the new sexy! Today, beauty is not only defined by
looks, but by what values we hold and knowledge we share.