5 Ways To Live In The Moment
ImprintsKayla SwansonTreat Ya' Self, live in the moment, live life, glass half full, glass half empty, social media, step away from social media, detox from social media, detox, dance it out, dance, just dance, dance party, just breathe, breathe, take a breath, breathe it out, meditation, zen, treat yo' self, love yourself, invest in yourself, healthy tips, mental health, emotional health, health and wellness, healthy living, investment, mental awareness, accountability
Infused Water: How To Drop Your Love For Soda
4 Ways To Reduce Belly Fat
Sore Throat & Cold Remedy
Recipes, Healthy TipsJJ Freeleauxsore throat, cold, winter cold, sick, illness, cold remedy, sore throat remedy, hydration, honey, tea
Healthy Eggnog... It's A Thing!
RecipesApril Dupreeggnog, healthy eggnog, healthy recipes, healthy recipe, holiday cocktails, New Orleans Holidays, Nola Christmas, holidays, alcohol, spirits, coconut milk, almond milk, fresh ingredients, holiday party
Fall Fashion
Imprints, Healthy TipsKayla Swansonfall fashion, fashion, new orleans fashion, treat ya' self, online shopping, deals, fashion forward, fashion trends, history of fashion, style, stylish, plaid, turtle neck, denim, denim skirt, skirts, bell bottoms, fashionable, express yourself, creativity, creative expression, share your journey
How To Be Above Average
Hydration Therapy 101
Invest In Yourself Now To Save Later!
Healthy Tips, ImprintsKayla Swansonhealthy living, treat ya' self, money, spending, save money, medical bills, medicine, working out, running, group training, happy hour, healthy happy hour, invest in yourself, save, save yourself, affordable, stop making excuses
5 Ways To Enhance Your Day
Healthy TipsApril Duprehealthy tips, enhance your day, healthy living, healthy eating, stay hydrated, hydration, sleep, get to bed on time, music, music therapy, creativity, art therapy, drawing, art, stretch, stretching, limber, physical activity